
Love in a Village

A parlour in Justice Woodcock's house.

<- Lucinda, Eustace

Well, am not I a bold adventurer

[Air XVI]

Well, I see you have a mind

[Air XVII]

Lucinda, Eustace
<- Justice Woodcock, Mrs. Deborah

Why, here is nothing in the world


You are an impudent slut

Lucinda, Eustace, Justice Woodcock
Mrs. Deborah ->

Well done, Lucy

[Air XIX]

Very well Sir, upon my word

Lucinda, Eustace
Justice Woodcock ->

My sweet pretty papa

[Air XX]

Eustace, Lucinda ->

A garden.

<- Rossetta

If ever poor creature was

[Air XXI]

<- Young Meadows

Do you come into the garden

[Air XXII]

Really, Mr. Thomas, this is very


Rossetta, Young Meadows
Be gone ~ I agree

Well, now I think I am somewhat easier

[Air XXIV]

Young Meadows ->
<- Justice Woodcock

What can this be that he wants

[Air XXV]

Why you silly girl, I won't do you any harm

Justice Woodcock
Rossetta ->
Justice Woodcock
<- Hawthorn

So, so, Justice, at odds with gravity

[Air XXVI]

I profess, master Hawthorn


Ah, you were always a scape-grace rattle-cap

Justice Woodcock, Hawthorn ->

Justice Woodcock's hall.

<- Lucinda, Hodge

Mercy on us.—I wish I may be


Lucinda ->
<- Margery

So mistress, who let you in?

[Air XXIX]

Hodge, Margery
<- Rossetta

Sure I heard the voice of discord here

[Air XXX]

Margery, Rossetta
Hodge ->

I am ready to burst

[Air XXXI]

Margery, Rossetta
<- Lucinda

Ha! ha! ha! Oh admirable

Margery, Rossetta, Lucinda
<- Hawthorn

Lucy, where are you?


Locandina Act the first Scene the first Scene the second Scene the third Scene the fourth Scene the fifth Scene the sixth Scene the seventh Scene the eighth Scene ninth Scene the tenth Scene the eleventh Act the second Scene the first Scene the second Scene the third Scene the fourth Scene the fifth Scene the sixth Scene the seventh Scene the eighth Scene the ninth Scene the tenth Scene the eleventh Scene the twelfth Scene the thirteenth Scene the fourteenth Act the third Scene the first Scene the second Scene the third Scene the fourth Scene the fifth Scene the sixth Scene the seventh Scene the eighth Scene the ninth Scene the tenth