A gothic temple, being a place of heathen worship; the three Saxon gods, Woden, Thor, and Freya, placed on pedestals.
'Tis time to hasten our mysterious rites
(Grimbald, a fierce earthy spirit, erises)
[N. 5 - The white horse neigh'd aloud]
[N. 6 - The lot is cast, and Tanfan pleas'd]
The lot is cast, and Tanfan pleas'd
[N. 7 - Brave soul to be renown'd in storry]
[N. 8 - I call ye all to Woden's hall]
A landskip.
Then this is the deciding day, to fix
Go on, auspicious prince, the stars are kind
Ha! now my beauteous Emmeline appears
O father, father, I am sure you're here
(Trumpet sounds within.)
My heart and vows go with him to the fight
A camp, drums, trumpets, and military shouts.
[N. 10 - Come if you dare, our trumpets sound]