(A general engagement between the Britons and Saxons, in which the Britons are conquerors.)
A rural prospect.
Alas, for pity, of this bloody field!
(Merlin, descends to Philidel on a chariot drawn by dragons.)
What art thou, spirit? of what name or order?
A wood.
(Grimbald in the habit of a shepherd)
Here, this way, Britons, follow Oswald's flight
[N. 13 - Hiter this way, this way bend]
Some wicked phantom, foe to human kind
[N. 14 - Let not a moon-born elf mislead ye]
'Tis true, he says; the footsteps yet are fresh
Curse on her voice, I must my prey forego
(Grimbald sinks with a flash.)
[N. 16 - Come follow, follow, follow me]
A camp and Emmeline's pavilion, with a bank.
No news of my dear love, or of my father?
[N. 17 - How blest are shepherds, how happy their lasses]
[N. 18 - Shepherds, shepherds, leave decoying]
[N. 20 - Come, shepherds, lead up a lively measure]
(Shepherds and Shepherdesses dance)
The night has wilder'd us; and we are fall'n
(Oswald and Guillamar seize Emmeline and Matilda.)
(An alarm within; some soldiers running over the stage: Follow, follow, follow.)
(The alarm renew; clashing of swords within for a while)
How sits the conquest on great Arthur's brow?
A camp at a distance.
Brave Oswald! We have met on friendlier terms
There may be one black minute e'er tomorrow
[N. 21 - Second act tune: Air]