The ships.
[N. 28 - Prelude]
[N. 29 - The sailors dance]
(Sailors dance)
Sailors, Sailor
<- Sorceress, Inchanteresses
[N. 30 - Recitative]
See the flags and streamers curling
[N. 31 - Chorus]
(Jack of the the Lanthorn leads the sailos out of their way among the inchantresses)
[N. 32 - The witches dance]
(The witches dance)
Sailors, Sailor, Sorceress, Inchanteresses
<- Dido, Belinda, Train
[N. 33 - Recitative]
Your counsel all is urged in vain
Sailors, Sailor, Sorceress, Inchanteresses, Dido, Belinda, Train
<- Aeneas
What shall lost Aeneas do?
Sailors, Sailor, Sorceress, Inchanteresses, Dido, Belinda, Train
Aeneas ->
[N. 34 - Recitative]
But death, alas! I cannot shun
[N. 35 - Chorus]
(Cupids appear in the clouds o're her tomb.)
Sailors, Sailor, Sorceress, Inchanteresses, Dido, Belinda, Train
<- Cupids
[N. 36 - Recitative]
Thy hand, Belinda, darkness shades me
[N. 37 - Song]
[N. 38 - Chorus]
(Cupids dance.)