| |
Scene: the ships |
[Enter the Sailors, the Sorceress, and her Inchanteress.] |
<- Sailors, Sailor
| |
[N. 28 - Prelude] | N 
Come away, fellow sailors, your anchors be weighing.
Time and tide will admit no delaying.
Take a bouzy short leave of your nymphs on the shore,
and silence their mourning
with vows of returning
but never intending to visit them more.
| |
| |
Come away, fellow sailors, your anchors be weighing.
Time and tide will admit no delaying.
Take a bouzy short leave of your nymphs on the shore,
and silence their mourning
with vows of returning
but never intending to visit them more.
| |
| |
[N. 29 - The sailors dance] | N 
The Sailors' dance. | |
| <- Sorceress, Inchanteresses
[N. 30 - Recitative] | N 
See the flags and streamers curling
anchors weighing, sails unfurling.
| |
Phoebus' pale deluding beams
guilding more deceitful streams.
| |
Our plot has took,
the queen's forsook.
| |
Elisa's ruin'd, ho, ho!
Our plot has took,
the queen's forsook, ho, ho!
| |
| |
Our next motion
must be to storme her lover on the ocean!
From the ruin of others our pleasures we borrow,
Elisa bleeds tonight, and Carthage flames tomorrow.
| |
| |
[N. 31 - Chorus] | N 
Destruction our delight, delight our greatest sorrow!
Elisa dyes tonight and Carthage flames tomorrow.
| |
| |
[Jack of the the Lanthorn leads the Spaniards out of their way among the Enchantresses.] | |
| |
[N. 32 - The witches dance] | N 
The witches dance. | |
| |
[Enter Dido, Belinda and Train.] | <- Dido, Belinda, Train
| |
[N. 33 - Recitative] | N 
Your counsel all is urged in vain
to earth and heaven I will complain!
To earth and heaven why do I call?
Earth and heaven conspire my fall.
To fate I sue, of other means bereft
the only refuge for the wretched left.
| |
See, Madam, see where the prince appears;
such sorrow in his looks he bears
as would convince you still he's true.
| |
| |
[Enter Aeneas.] | <- Aeneas
| |
What shall lost Aeneas do?
How, royal fair, shall I impart
the god's decree, and tell you we must part?
| S
Thus on the fatal banks of Nile,
weeps the deceitful crocodile
thus hypocrites, that murder act,
make heaven and gods the authors of the fact.
| |
| |
By all that's good, no more!
All that's good you have forswore.
To your promised empire fly
and let forsaken Dido die.
| |
In spite of Jove's command, I'll stay.
Offend the gods, and love obey.
| |
No, faithless man, thy course pursue;
I'm now resolved as well as you.
No repentance shall reclaim
the injured Dido slighted flame.
For 'tis enough, whate'er you now decree,
that you had once a thought of leaving me.
| |
Let Jove say what he will: I'll stay!
| |
Away, away! No, no, away!
| |
No, no, I'll stay, and love obey!
| |
To death I'll fly
if longer you delay;
away, away!...
| |
| |
| [Exit Aeneas.] | Aeneas ->
| |
[N. 34 - Recitative] | N 
But death, alas! I cannot shun;
death must come when he is gone.
| |
| |
[N. 35 - Chorus] | N 
Great minds against themselves conspire
and shun the cure they most desire.
| |
| |
[Cupids appear in the clouds o're her tomb.] | <- Cupids
| |
[N. 36 - Recitative] | N 
Thy hand, Belinda, darkness shades me,
on thy bosom let me rest,
more I would, but death invades me;
death is now a welcome guest.
| |
| |
[N. 37 - Song] | N 
When I am laid in earth, may my wrongs create
no trouble in thy breast;
remember me, but ah! forget my fate.
| S
| |
[N. 38 - Chorus] | N 
With drooping wings you Cupids come,
to scatter roses on her tomb.
Soft and gentle as her heart
keep here your watch, and never part.
| S
| |
Cupids dance. | |
| |