A maritime coast; full of craggy rocks, and high cliffs; and afar off, the true prospect of the city of Rhodes. In the part of the horizon the Turkish fleet, some few miles distant from the town.
Each squadron thicker and still darker grows
Our field and bulwark-cannon mount with hast
What various noises do mine ears invade?
Still christian wars they will pursue, and boast
To Rhodes this fatal fleet her course does bear.
If by their sale my lord may be redeem'd
Rhodes beleaguer'd at sea and land.
The bloud of Rhodes grows cold: life must expire!
He can at most but once prevail
What sudden halt hath stay'd thy swift renown
(Ianthe is veil'd.)
Great sultan, hail! though here at land
Vertue constrain'd the priviledge I gave
Beat down our grottoes, and hew down our bowers
Hence with our needles, and give us your spades;
The royal pavilion with Solyman's imperial throne; and about it are discern'd the quarters of his bassas, and inferiour officers.
Pirrhus, draw up our army wide!
When to all Rhodes our army does appear
The town besieg'd.
When we, Ianthe, would this act commend
Who would not all her trifling jewels give
It seems that what the bassa of me said
She is all harmony, and fair as light
Solyman camp
You come from sea as Venus came before
Prospect of Mount Philermus: artificers appearing at work about that castle which was there, erected by Solyman. His great army is discovered in the plain below, drawn up in battalia, as if it were prepar'd for a general assault.
Refuse my pass-port, and resolve to dye
The town besieg'd.
Alphonso, now the danger grows so near,
Where is the duke, whose valour strives to keep
Invisibly, as dreams, fame's wings fly every where
Solyman's camp.
Not come to see me e're th'assault be past?
Our foes appear! / Th'assault will strait begin
Representation of a general assault given to the town; the greatest fury of the army being discern'd at the English station.
Traverse the cannon! mount the batt'ries higher!
More ladders, and reliefs to scale!
Those plat-forms are too low to reach!
Follow, follow, follow, make good the line!
Those desp'rate English ne'r will fly!
Fall on! the English stoop when they give fire!
My reason by my courage is misled!
Renown'd Alphonso, thou hast fought to day
By this delay we both of them forsake!
Who can be loud enough to give command?
Castle on Mount Philermus.
How cowardly my num'rous slaves fall back
The town besieg'd.
Some wounds he has; none desperate but yours
(Alphonso wounded, led in by two mutes)
Tear up my wounds! I had a passion coorse
Your looks express a triumph at our loss