| |
[N. 52 - Symphony] | N 
Scene 1 |
The scene is the cave of sleep. The god of sleep lying on his bed. A soft symphony is heard. Then the musick changes to a different movement. |
<- Juno, Iris
| |
[N. 53 - Accompagnato] | N 
Somnus, awake,
raise thy reclining head.
| |
Thyself forsake,
and lift up thy heavy lids of lead.
| |
| |
[N. 54 - Air] | N 
SOMNUS (waking)
Leave me, loathsome light;
receive me, silent night.
Lethe, why does thy lingering current cease?
O murmur, murmur me again to peace,
sinks down again.
| S
| |
[N. 55 - Recitative] | N 
Dull god, can'st thou attend the waters fall,
and not hear saturnia call!
| |
Peace, Iris, peace, I know how to charm him:
Pasithea's name alone can warm him.
| |
Only love on sleep has pow'r;
o'er gods and men
tho' Somnus reign,
love alternate has his hour.
| |
Somnus, arise,
disclose thy tender eyes;
for Pasithea's sight
endure the light:
Somnus, arise.
| |
| |
[N. 56 - Air] | N 
SOMNUS (rising)
More sweet is that name
than a soft purling stream;
with pleasure repose I'll forsake,
if you'll grant me but her to sooth me awake.
| |
| |
[N. 57 - Recitative] | N 
My will obey,
she shall be thine.
Thou, with thy softer pow'rs,
first Jove shalt captivate.
To Morpheus then give order,
thy various minister,
that with a dream in shape of Semele,
but far more beautiful
and more alluring,
he may invade the sleeping deity;
and more to agitate his kindling fire
still let the phantom seem to fly before him,
that he may wake impetuous, furious in desire,
unable to refuse whatever boon
her coyness shall require.
| |
| |
To me thy leaden rod resign,
to charm the sentinels
on mount Cithaeron.
Then cast a sleep on mortal Ino,
that I may seem her form to wear,
when I to Semele appear.
| |
| |
[N. 58 - Duet] | N 
Obey my will, thy rod resign,
and Pasithea shall be thine.
| |
All I must grant, for all is due
to Pasithea, love and you.
| |
| |
| (Exeunt.) | Juno, Iris, Somnus ->
| |
| | |
Scene 2 |
Semele's Apartment. Semele alone. |
| |
[N. 59 - Air] | N 
My racking thoughts by no kind slumbers freed,
but painful nights to joyful days succeed.
| |
Scene 3 |
Enter Juno as Ino, with a mirrour in her hand. |
<- Juno
| |
[N. 60 - Recitative] | N 
Thus shaped like Ino.
With ease I shall deceive her,
and in this mirrour she shall see
herself as much transform'd as me.
(to Semele)
Do I some goddess see!
Or is it Semele?
| |
Dear sister, speak,
whence this astonishment?
| |
Your charms improving
to divine perfection,
shew you were late admitted
amongst celestial beauties.
Has Jove consented?
And are you made immortal?
| |
Ah no, I still am mortal;
nor am I sensible
of any change or new perfection.
| |
| |
[N. 61 - Air] | N 
(giving her the glass)
Behold in this mirrour
whence comes my surprize;
such lustre and terror
unite in your eyes,
that mine cannot fix on a radiance so bright;
'tis unsafe for the sense, and too slipp'ry for sight.
| |
| |
[N. 62 - Recitative] | N 
(looking in the glass)
O ecstacy of happiness!
Celestial graces
I discover in each feature!
| |
| |
[N. 63 - Air] | N 
Myself I shall adore,
if I persist in gazing;
no object sure before
was ever half so pleasing.
(da capo)
| S
| |
[N. 64 - Recitative] | N 
(taking the glass from her)
Be wise as you are beautiful,
nor lose this opportunity.
When Jove appears,
all ardent with desire,
refuse his proffer'd flame
'till you obtain a boon without a name.
| |
| |
Unknowing your intent,
and eager for possessing,
he unawares will grant
the nameless blessing.
But bind him by the Stygian lake,
lest lover-like his word he break.
| |
But how shall I attain
to immortality?
| |
| |
[N. 65 - Accompagnato] | N 
Conjure him by his oath
not to approach your bed
in likeness of a mortal,
but like himself, the mighty thunderer
in pomp of majesty,
and heav'nly attire;
as when he proud Saturnia charms,
and with ineffable delights
fills her encircling arms,
and pays the nuptial rites.
By this conjunction
with entire divinity
you shall partake of heav'nly essence,
and thenceforth leave this mortal state
to reign above,
ador'd by Jove,
in spite of jealous Juno's hate.
| |
| |
[N. 66 - Air] | N 
Thus let my thanks be paid,
thus let my arms embrace thee;
and when i'm a goddess made,
with charms like mine I'll grace thee.
| |
| |
[N. 67 - Recitative] | N 
Rich odours fill the fragrant air,
and Jove's approach declare.
I must retire. ~
| |
Adieu - Your counsel I'll pursue.
| |
And sure destruction will ensue.
Vain wretched Fool ~
to her.
| Juno ->
Scene 4 |
Jupiter enters, offers to embrace Semele; she looks kindly on him, but retires a little from him. |
<- Jupiter
| |
[N. 68 - Air] | N 
Come to my arms, my lovely fair,
soothe my uneasie care:
in my dream late I woo'd thee,
and in vain I pursu'd thee,
for you fled from my pray'r,
and bid me despair.
Come to my arms, my lovely fair.
| |
| |
[N. 69 - Recitative] | N 
Tho' 'tis easie to please ye,
and hard to deny;
tho' possessing's a blessing
for which I could die,
I dare not, I cannot comply.
| |
When I languish with anguish,
and tenderly sigh,
can you leave me, deceive me,
and scornfully fly?
Ah fear not, you must not deny.
| |
I dare not, I must not comply.
Ah fear not; you must not deny.
| |
O Semele,
why art thou thus insensible?
Were I a mortal,
thy barbarous disdaining
would surely end me,
and death at my complaining
in pity would befriend me.
| |
| |
[N. 70 - Air] | N 
I ever am granting,
you always complain;
I always am wanting,
yet never obtain.
| |
| |
[N. 71 - Recitative] | N 
Speak, speak, your desire,
I'm all over fire.
Say what you require,
I'll grant it ~ now let us retire.
| |
Swear by the Stygian Lake.
| |
| |
[N. 72 - Accompagnato] | N 
By that tremendous flood I swear,
ye Stygian waters hear,
and thou Olympus shake,
in witness to the oath I take.
| |
| |
Thunder is heard at a distance, and underneath. | |
| |
[N. 73 - Recitativo] | N 
You'll grant what I require?
| |
I'll grant what you require.
| |
| |
[N. 74 - Accompagnato] | N 
Then cast off this human shape which you wear,
and Jove since you are, like Jove too appear.
| |
| |
[N. 75 - Air] | N 
Ah! take heed what you press,
for beyond all redress,
should I grant what you wish, I shall harm ye.
| |
| |
[N. 76 - Air] | N 
I'll be pleas'd with no less,
than my wish in excess:
let the oath you have taken alarm ye:
haste, haste, and prepare,
for I'll know what you are;
so with all your omnipotence arm ye.
No, no, I'll take no less,
than all in full excess!
Your oath it may alarm you.
Yet haste and prepare,
for I'll know what you are,
with all your powers arm you.
(da capo)
| S
Semele ->
Scene 5 |
She withdraws, Jupiter remains pensive and dejected. |
| |
[N. 77 - Accompagnato] | N 
Ah! whither is she gone! unhappy fair!
Why did she wish? ~ Why did I rashly swear?
'Tis past, 'tis past recall.
She must a victim fall.
Anon, when I appear
the mighty thunderer,
arm'd with inevitable fire,
she must needs instantly expire.
'Tis past, 'tis past recall.
She must a victim fall.
My softest lightning yet I'll try,
and mildest melting bolt apply:
in vain ~ for she was fram'd to prove
none but the lambent flames of love.
'Tis past, 'tis past recall.
She must a victim fall.
| Jupiter ->
Scene 6 |
Juno appears in her chariot ascending. |
<- Juno
| |
[N. 78 - Air] | N 
Above measure
is the pleasure
which my revenge supplies.
Love's a bubble
gain'd with trouble:
and in possessing dies.
With what joy shall I mount to my heav'n again,
at once from my rival and jealousie freed!
The sweets of revenge make it worth while to reign,
and heav'n will hereafter be heav'n indeed.
(da capo)
(She ascends.)
| Juno ->
Scene 7 |
The scene opening discovers Semele lying under a canopy, leaning pensively. While a mournful symphony is playing she looks up and sees Jupiter descending in a black cloud; the motion of the cloud is slow. Flashes of lightning issue from either side, and thunder is heard grumbling in the air. |
<- Semele, Jupiter
| |
[N. 79 - Accompagnato] | N 
Ah me! too late I now repent
my pride and impious vanity.
He comes! far off his lightnings scorch me.
~ I feel my life consuming:
I burn, I burn ~ I faint ~ for pity I implore ~
o help, o help ~ I can no more.
(She dies.)
| |
| |
As the cloud which contains Jupiter is arrived just over the canopy of Semele, a sudden and great flash of lightning breaks forth, and a clap of loud thunder is heard; when at one instant Semele with the palace and the whole present scene disappear, and Jupiter re-ascends swiftly. | Jupiter ->
| |
| | |
Scene 8 |
The scene totally changed represents a pleasant country, mount Citheron closing the prospect. Enter Cadmus, Athamas and Ino. |
<- Cadmus, Athamas, Ino, Priests
| |
[N. 80 - Recitativo] | N 
Of my ill boding dream
behold the dire event.
| |
| |
[N. 81 - Air] | N 
O terror and astonishment!
Nature to each allots his proper sphere,
but that forsaken we like meteors err:
toss'd through the void, by some rude shock we're broke,
and all our boasted fire is lost in smoke.
| |
| |
[N. 82 - Recitativo] | N 
How I was hence remov'd,
or hither how return'd, I know not:
so long a trance whith-held me.
But Hermes in a vision told me
(as I have now related)
the fate of Semele;
and added, as from me he fled,
that Jove ordain'd I Athamas should wed.
| |
Be Jove in every thing obey'd.
| |
Unworthy of your charms, myself I yield;
be Jove's commands and yours fulfill'd.
| |
| |
[N. 83 - Air] | N 
Despair no more shall wound me,
since you so kind do prove.
All joy and bliss surround me,
my soul is tun'd to love.
(da capo)
| |
| |
[N. 84 - Recitativo] | N 
See from above the bellying clouds descend,
and big with some new wonder this way tend.
| |
Scene 9 |
A bright Cloud descends and rests on mount Citheron, which opening, discovers Apollo seated in it as the god of prophecy. |
<- Apollo
| |
[N. 85 - Symphony] | N 
| |
[N. 86 - Accompagnato] | N 
| |
Apollo comes to relieve your care,
and future happiness declare.
From tyrannous love all your sorrows proceed,
from tyrannous love you shall quickly be freed.
From Semele's ashes a phænix shall rise,
the joy of this earth, and delight of the skies:
a god he shall prove
more mighty than love,
and a sovereign juice shall invent,
which antidote pure
the sick lover shall cure,
and sighing and sorrow for ever prevent.
Then mortals be merry, and scorn the blind boy;
your hearts from his arrows strong wine shall defend:
each day and each night you shall revel in joy,
for when Bacchus is born, love's reign's at an end.
| |
| |
[N. 87 - Chorus of Priests] | N 
Happy, happy shall we be,
free from care, from sorrow free.
Guiltless pleasures we'll enjoy,
virtuous love will never cloy;
all that's good and just we'll prove,
and Bacchus crown the joys of love.
| |
| |
| (Exeunt omnes.) | Apollo, Cadmus, Athamas, Ino, Priests ->
| |
Dance of Satyrs. | <- Satyrs
| |