


This purse is the plague of my life

<- Dorcas, Rosina

I am just going, Rosina

Rustic, Dorcas, Rosina
<- Captain Belville

I have disposed of your money, sir

Dorcas, Rosina, Captain Belville
Rustic ->

Go back to the reapers

Rosina, Captain Belville
Dorcas ->

I cannot support his presence


Rosina, Captain Belville
<- William

Pray, William, do you know of any body that has lost a purse?

Captain Belville, William
Rosina ->
Captain Belville, William
<- Phœbe

There is William; but I'll pretend not to see him.


That's Harry's posy


I see Kate waiting for me


Captain Belville
Phœbe, William ->
Captain Belville
<- Belville

I tremble at the impression


Captain Belville, Belville
<- William

Here's his honour, Phœbe

Captain Belville, Belville
William ->

Since the sun rose

(Belville lies down on a bank by the fountain; gleaners pass the stage, last Rosina, who comes forward singing)

Captain Belville, Belville
<- Rosina


What do I see? mr. Belville asleep?

Belville, Rosina
Captain Belville ->

Why do you fly thus, Rosina?


Unveil your whole heart to me, Rosina

Belville, Rosina
<- Dorcas

His honour here? Good lack!

Belville, Dorcas
Rosina ->
Belville, Dorcas
<- Captain Belville

Rosina has taken that bye road

Belville, Dorcas
Captain Belville ->

Will your honour please to walk into our homely cottage?

Dorcas ->
<- Captain Belville

I wish it was over; I'm not quite easy.

Belville, Captain Belville
<- Dorcas, Rustic

Help, for heaven's sake, sir!

Belville, Captain Belville, Dorcas, Rustic ->

A meadow by the river side.

<- Belville, Captain Belville, Dorcas, Rustic, 1st Irishman, 2nd Irishman

Don't be frighted, sir

Belville, Captain Belville, Dorcas, Rustic, 1st Irishman, 2nd Irishman
<- Rosina

I canno' speak. Art thou safe?


Belville, Captain Belville, Dorcas, Rustic, 1st Irishman, 2nd Irishman, Rosina
<- William, Phœbe

I am punished; but I have too well deserv'd it

[Air Finale]

(the Reapers form dances)

Locandina Act I Scene I Act II Scene I Scene II