An inner garden belonging to the palace of the king of Persia. Moon-light.
Still silence reigns around, suspicion sleeps
Alas! thou know'st that for my love to thee
O cruel parting! how can I survive?
Be firm my heart. ~ In the pursuit of guilt
Dear Artabanes, glad I meet thee here
I fear some dread disaster ~ say, Rimenes
Ye gods, protectors of the Persian empire
The palace.
Where do I fly? ~ Ah, hapless maid! ~
Alas, Mandane! / Does Darius live?
My friend! ~ ~ / I sought you, sir
O Artaxerxes! / Say, fair Semira, why this seeming joy?
Who in his royal presence would believe Arbaces to be guilty?
Ye cruel gods, what crime have I committed
Appearance, I must own, is strong against me
Ah, dear Rimenes, pity my hard fate
Beauteous Mandane, turn at least and hear me
Dear and beloved shade of my dead fathe