The favourable reception this little piece has met with from the public, demands my warmest acknowledgements: nor can I say too much of the support it has received, both from the music, admirably adapted to the words, and the spirited and judicious performance of the several characters, which surpass'd my most sanguine wishes.
The decorations, designed and executed in that style of elegant and characteristic simplicity which the subject requir'd, add greatly to the effect of the whole.
The fable of this piece, taken from the book of Ruth, a fable equally simple, moral, and interesting, has already furnish'd a subject for the beautiful episode of Palemon and Lavinia in Thomson's Seasons, and a pleasing opera of mons. Favart: of both I have availed myself as far as the difference of my plan would allow; but as we are not, however extraordinary it may appear, so easily satisfied with meet sentiment as our more sprightly neighbors the French, I found it necessary to diversify the story by adding the comic characters of William and Phœbe, which I hop'd might at once relieve, and heighten, the sentimental cast of the other personages of the drama.
Some of the songs, and a few short passages of the dialogue (printed with inverted commas) though judiciously omitted in the representation from the apprehension of making the opera too long, are here restor'd, as tending to mark the characters with more precision.